Product Walkthrough

Network Integrity Checker

Network Integrity Check performs a 7-point analysis that helps asses how well your will perform as a logic network. It then displays the results in an Excel spreadsheet, without disturbing the schedule file contents.

Step 1 -

Click Network Integrity Check

With the file to be analyzed open and active, click Network Integrity Check on the SDSI Analysis Tools toolbar as shown (you may also select it from the SDSI Analysis Tools menu under the Tools drop-down menu).

Step 2 -

Click “Yes”

Once activated, you will see the following dialog box. Click “Yes” to analyze the file and generate the report. You may exit the utility without the analysis being performed or the report being generated by clicking “No”.

Step 3 -

Click “OK”

When processing is complete, the following dialog box will appear. You may also notice that Microsoft Excel has been launched. Click “OK”.

Step 4 -

Click “OK”

After acknowledging process completion, you will see the following dialog box. When you click “OK” to this, Microsoft Excel will close. Make sure you review your results and save the spreadsheet if desired before clicking “OK” on this dialog box.

Step 5 -

Your Excel Report

These represent some of the results that will appear in your Excel report. There will be one sheet for each analysis performed. If the sheet is blank except for the header, then that analysis revealed nothing in the schedule file that could compromise network integrity.

Next: Status Integrity Checker

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